Boot Camps vs. Military Schools vs. Therapeutic Boarding Schools vs. Residential Treatment Centers

Boot Camps vs. Military Schools vs. Therapeutic Boarding Schools vs. Residential Treatment Centers

It can be devastating when parents have reached the point of no return with their troubled teenager and have no choice but to send them to a treatment center.  Plagued by emotional and behavioral difficulties, teenagers oftentimes find themselves struggling with school, home, and social life. 

Many parents who have done everything possible to arrive at a middle ground with their teens eventually understand that a resident teen help program may be the best hope for their child.

From boot camps and military schools to therapeutic boarding schools and residential treatment centers, the different treatment options for teens can seem very overwhelming. When parents aren’t educated about the different teen resident help programs, they can make poor decisions about the type and quality of care their teen receives. So, taking time to research the different options is an essential factor in your decision

Parent Research is the First Step

Most teen help programs can be divided into four categories: boot camps, military schools, therapeutic boarding schools, and residential treatment centers. 

It is important that parents learn the differences between these program options so they can find the one that is the best fit for their teen’s emotional, physical, and behavioral needs.

The best teen help programs should meet the following criteria:

  • Licensed by the state where they are located
  • Accredited by a qualified mental health agency
  • Overseen by a clinical director with appropriate credentials
  • Employ properly licensed and certified therapists, counselors, teachers, and medical personnel
  • Accredited academic curriculum taught by experienced teachers
  • Well-trained direct care staff with background checks
  • Proper safety and discipline procedures established and enforced
  • Demonstrated success rate with measurable progress for all students

Because of the wide range of programs and treatment options, parents of troubled teens need to take the time to educate themselves on finding a school or program that is best suited to their teens needs, as every teen is different in regards to what makes them comfortable and motivated to do better.

All About Boot Camps

While behavior boot camps were extremely popular in recent decades, nowadays, due to a range of operational problems, abuses, and outright danger to teen participants, there are not many of them around anymore. However, some of the old programs are being reinvented as “wilderness camps” and “outdoor therapeutic programs” that claim to deliver astonishing results in a short time. The services they advertise range from treating drug or alcohol addiction, anxiety, depression, abuse trauma, abandonment issues, oppositional defiant disorder, and much more.

While legitimate outdoor behavioral health programs operate today, parents of struggling boys and girls must be vigilant in doing their research to ensure the program is not only above board but also a successful program. However, some of the issues that plagued the boot camps of the past may surface in similar short-term teen help programs.

The reason that boot camps aren’t as common anymore is that they were found to be ineffective at best and recklessly dangerous in extreme cases. After a 2007 study conducted by the Government Accountability Office found that the majority of programs they investigated were not helping troubled youth recover, boot camps declined rapidly. Common problems with modern boot camps and similar programs include untrained staff, little regulation or accountability, reckless operating procedures, and no real results. In extreme cases, emotional and physical abuse and even death resulted from these unregulated programs.

Some modern teen help programs, like boot camps and outdoor therapeutic programs, seek to attract the parents of troubled boys and girls that have a range of mental health issues and emotional problems who don’t know much about the industry and want fast results for a low cost. Parents of troubled teenagers who need residential treatment must take the time to determine that the boot camp or outdoor therapeutic program they are interested in meets strict operational criteria and is the right place for their child.

All About Military Schools

Military schools are facilities that integrate academic education with a very disciplined structure and authority. They are designed to help troubled adolescents with behavioral problems and academic challenges by teaching them responsibility, leadership skills, and self-motivation.

What are the benefits of attending a military school?

  • It can create structure and resilience in your teen’s life.
  • It helps your teen develop exercise routines that can help them develop more discipline in other areas of their lives, which is a key component of this type of school.
  • Reduces drug cravings (if your teen is a drug addict).

What are the cons of attending military school?

  • Depending on the location, facilities, and services offered, it can be expensive.
  • Support through counseling isn’t specialized like in a therapeutic boarding school.
  • This option could increase risk factors for teens who are emotionally disturbed, as most military schools don’t have the necessary therapeutic resources to provide teens.

Remember – what truly encourages growth, in the long run, is being immersed in a situation that allows your teen to be able to make their own decisions, problem solve, and to be able to set short-term and long-term goals for the future. For this to happen, your problematic teen needs to be enrolled in a type of program that promotes healing.


All About Therapeutic Boarding Schools

Therapeutic boarding schools for troubled teens are specialized establishments that provide therapeutic intervention, the opportunity to take educational classes, and general organization for teens challenged battling emotional, behavioral, and psychological issues.

What are the features of a therapeutic boarding school?

  • These schools integrate therapy, education, and recreation to deliver a long-term solution to teens’ emotional and behavioral problems. Therapeutic boarding schools are set up so that teens can earn academic credits and even earn a high school diploma. Extracurricular activities are similar to those at a traditional high school, with drama, art, music, sports, and more. 
  • Teens live in a dorm or family-style home setting and are expected to contribute to the community regularly, such as doing chores and caring for the grounds.
  • The emotional growth that troubled teens experience in a therapeutic boarding school is generally positive, and teens have the opportunity to receive regular therapy via individual and group sessions.
  •  In addition, most schools have a transition program set up for teens as they near the end of their stay to help them reintegrate with family and regular society once again.

The good news is that recent research by the Standing Research Committee of The National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs shows that therapeutic boarding schools really do provide positive results for troubled teens. The study reveals that by the end of a qualified residential treatment program and after one year of treatment, the majority of the teens who attended “demonstrated clinically significant improvement.”

All About Residential Treatment Centers

Residential treatment centers are organizations created for therapeutic intervention and help for teens struggling with serious behavioral and mental health issues in a supportive environment.

Features of a residential treatment center:

  • A structured environment that provides set schedules for academics, therapy, daily responsibilities, and recreational activities.
  • Therapeutic programs range from individual therapy to group setting therapy, family therapy, and experiential therapy, such as art therapy or wilderness therapy.
  • 24-hour supervision by trained staff and medical professionals to ensure the overall well-being and safety of the patient.
  • Many residential treatment centers offer education programs to allow teens to continue their education.
  • Aftercare services to support your teen’s transition into moving back home.

Generally, residential treatment centers are focused on behavior management and treatment in a more intensive manner than that of a therapeutic boarding school. They are a safe place for struggling teenagers who are challenged with conditions such as oppositional defiant disorder, bipolar, ADD/ADHD, personality disorders, severe anxiety or depression, substance abuse, reactive attachment disorder and so forth.

Research shows that participating teenagers will significantly improve during the treatment program and will even continue to improve after moving to a different teen help program or after returning home. The best residential treatment centers show that this type of intensive treatment for serious disorders is highly effective in the long term, making it a good idea for teens who have found little success elsewhere.

Finally, the length of your teens’ stay depends on the pace of their progress, and it could range from several weeks to several months.


Find Quality Programs Today

Parents of troubled teens should know that there are a variety of teen help programs and that some are better and more effective than others. It’s important for parents to do their research before committing to enroll their child in a program. While some facilities feature highly successful treatment plans, just as many have substandard mental health services and poor or no academic support.

It is important for troubled teens to receive consistent and quality therapy from certified experts and to live and study in a supportive and compassionate environment. In the proper teen help facility, your teen is more likely to gain the tools necessary to navigate the challenges of adolescence and the transition into adulthood. Every parent wants to see their son or daughter happy and healthy, so getting them the help they need is the first step to wellness.

If you have any questions please contact us or review our FAQ Page

Other Related Resources You Will Find Useful


Ultimately, you can’t go wrong with any of these options. What matters most is that you consider what would be best for your teen and their unique needs. Maybe they need a little tough love from a boot camp, or maybe you think they’ll fare best in a residential treatment program where they can learn to manage their emotions and behavior. Ultimately, it’s up to your teen to navigate this next phase of their life. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t force it to take a sip of the water.

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Written by Natalie

30 Jan, 2017

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