When looking for ways to help your troubled teen change their negative behaviors, you may have come across youth boot camps as a potential solution. However, many experts have found that not only do boot camps not work but these kinds of programs can actually...
Choosing to send your son or daughter to a residential treatment center for troubled teens is not an easy financial decision to make. To help you determine how you can afford to send your teen to a residential treatment center, we have 11 different options you can...
The following scenario replays in homes across the nation. Parents receive an email or a phone call from their 16-yr.-old son’s teacher, who reports that their child is simply not doing his homework and is failing the class. Parents react in frustration, wondering...
Teenage rebellion is a good thing. This might be a weird statement to start with, but it’s true. It means they feel safe in your relationship. If your teen is pushing your buttons, breaking rules, and arguing, that’s good. They’re growing, shedding the clothing of...