It’s never too soon to learn good money management skills. Perhaps you were fortunate enough to have parents who taught you about financial literacy when you were a teen, or maybe it was something you had to learn through trial and error as an adult. Teaching your...
Currently, Utah is the number 10 state in the U.S. for teen suicide and teen suicide rates are steadily rising. Between 2013 and 2017, teen depression has risen by 6.5%. If you recognize increased depression and suicidal behavior in your Utah teen, you can help your...
Teenage years are hard for any parent. With high emotions, changing bodies, and hormones, some teens become troubled and begin to fall into bad patterns and exhibit unhealthy behaviors. Parents are often at a loss as what to do with their teen and may look to boot...
Bullying can often be dismissed as teasing. Some people use the two terms interchangeably, but teasing and bullying are not the same kinds of actions. This distinction is due to how teasing affects people differently than how bullying affects others. Researchers have...
On average, kids get their first smartphone at 10.3 years, catapulting them into the digital world. Once they’ve reached this rite of passage, much of their social interaction revolves around their phone and other devices. This may include their first forays into...
Standard educational methods often fall short when it comes to preparing teenagers to become successful young adults. This shortfall becomes glaringly apparent when trying to help a troubled teen succeed in the public school system. When this system breaks down,...