Dealing with Violent Behavior: Finding the Right Boarding School

Dealing with Violent Behavior

Teens often face mood swings, rebellious attitudes, and occasional anger as part of their natural development. 

However, if your teen’s anger is changing into violence, it’s not common. You should seek professional help. Such aggressive behavior may indicate underlying issues like mental health problems. 

Teens facing problems like depression, anxiety, trauma, or substance use disorders might end up showing aggressive behavior. Violence can be scary, so it’s essential to understand what might be causing this behavior. If you observe such behavior in your teen, seeking professional assistance is necessary for practical support and intervention.

What is Violence in Teens

Teen violence refers to aggressive and harmful behavior exhibited by teens in early adolescence and continues between the ages of 13 and 19. Following are some examples of teen violence:

  • Bullying
  • Physical violence includes pushing, hitting, and kicking.
  • Shouting or cursing
  • Robbery
  • Emotional abuse
  • Sexual abuse or sexual assault

Various social and health factors can provoke violent behavior in teens. Regardless of the reason, parents must take steps to prevent and address violence in teens.

How to deal with teen violence 

It can be scary for parents to deal with violent teens. Even though you can’t control their behavior, you can control how you react to this situation. Here are some strategies to cope with the violent behavior of teens.

  • Stay calm 
    • Don’t react impulsively. We understand that dealing with violent kids can be overwhelming, but it is essential to keep yourself calm first. Otherwise, your impulsive reaction may exacerbate the situation rather than resolve it. By not being violent, you will set a positive example that violence is not acceptable. 
  • Give them space
    • Give them some time to calm down. Once they are relaxed, listen to them rather than pressuring them more. If necessary, walk away to another room. Once tempers calm down, it’s appropriate to discuss the incident. Letting your child express their point of view can make aggression less frequent and intense.
  • Seek professional support
    • If the situation is getting out of hand, seek professional support. A mental health professional can help determine the reason for violence, whether it is because of some underlying issues like depression, anxiety, ADHD, or another reason. 

Boarding School: Therapeutic Environment for Troubled Teens

Therapeutic Boarding schools provide a suitable environment for the rehabilitation and behavior modification of troubled teens. These schools offer a supportive and structured setting that helps troubled teens channel their energy toward positive growth and development. 

If you want to remove your child from negative influences and place them in a safe environment, boarding school is the best place. There is a difference between a kid who has some health issue and another who is indulging in substance abuse. Boarding schools have specialized approaches for kids struggling with different problems. Some prominent issues that boarding schools cope with are: 

  • Anger 
  • Depression
  • Family Conflict
  • Negative peer influence
  • ODD
  • Academic Pressure
  • Trauma
  • Risky behavior

Boarding schools offer therapeutic programs to improve your teenager’s physical, emotional, social, behavioral, and academic development. 

Choosing Boarding School

It can be challenging to send your teen to a boarding school, but it can be dangerous for their safety if you don’t do something about their behavior. It might not be the perfect solution, but it can be a better step. If you want to send your teen to boarding school, it is crucial to think correctly before deciding. Whether you are looking for a facility for your troubled teens or want to provide them with a better environment for personal and professional growth, there are different boarding schools. We can help; use this link to find a boarding school in your state that specializes in helping teens with anger, ADHD, drug addiction, and more. 

Benefits of Boarding Schools 

Here are some benefits of boarding schools:

  • Boarding schools offer plenty of sporting and outdoor activities that promote the physical growth of teens.
  • They are safe from all the negative influences and promote positive relations between teens.
  • They make friends and understand the importance of peer learning. This motivates them to be a social person.
  • Boarding schools have structured timetables. The day-to-day lives of kids become highly organized, and they learn self-regulation.
  • They have different co-curricular activities that help students stay active. This can help them discover their passion and their hobbies. 
  • Boarding schools plan their meals carefully, and professional chefs cook healthy meals that fulfill nutritional needs.
  • Therapeutic Boarding schools have counselors, meditators, and other professionals available 24/7. All activities take place under their supervision. 

Dealing With Violent Behavior 

It is common for teens to show tantrums and occasional anger. But if your teen’s aggression is changed into violent behavior, it is an alarming situation. Various reasons, like peer pressure, social influences, and substance abuse, contribute to the troubled behaviors of teens.

Common violent behaviors include bullying and physical violence, including pushing, hitting, kicking, shouting, cursing, robbery, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, or sexual assault. In this situation, it is crucial to seek professional help. Boarding schools have structured approaches to deal with all these behaviors. It focuses on their physical and mental development. Choosing the right boarding school that meets all your requirements can be hectic. 

But it’s worth it. Boarding schools offer therapeutic programs that can deal with anger, depression, family conflict, negative peer influence, ODD, academic pressure, trauma, and risky behavior that can contribute to developing a better future for your troubled teen.

Call Help Your Teen Now today if your teen is struggling with violent behavior and you don’t know what to do. Our experts have decades of experience helping teens and their parents or caregivers find the best treatment options to live a happier life.

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Written by Natalie

20 Feb, 2024

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