Are you considering family counseling as away to help your teen cope with substance abuse? Perhaps you are interested in this type of therapy to deal with your teen’s increasingly concerning behavior. Here, we review the basics things that you can expect as you...
Normal behavior vs. problem behavior Understanding the complexity of changes that occur in teenage individuals, as well as the challenges they face each day is not easy. In fact, the line between a real issue and normal teen behavior is not always evident. This why...
Concern is normal If you are worried about your child or have noticed some changes in their behavior, don’t ignore your intuitive inner voice. Here are some of the main physical and behavioral signs of drug use in teens. With a section for your questions at the end....
Teens all over the nation are constantly dealing with drugs, depression, violence and mental health disorders. It’s imperative that parents seek the appropriate help at the appropriate time to help their struggling teens. The infographic below provides stats on...
Everyone today has to be on the internet often but we see teens that use the internet to the point of addiction. There are a lot of problems that can be caused by internet addiction in teens and as parents you need to know the signs. Helping teens that are depenent on...
With a growing threat of new innovations in the drug industry, teens are in great danger when they begin messing around with new trends like Vaping. With little evidence about the long term effects of Vaping it can be a huge threat to the health of developing teens....