When The Going Gets Really Tough, Some Schools for Troubled Teens Know how to Help

Young boy sad or crying with his hands covering his face

By the time you decide to contact a school for troubled teens, you have exhausted every effort in getting your teen to comply with basic household rules. He or she is now engaged in open rebellion, depression, suicide, addictive behavior, anger, violence, sexual promiscuity or risky or dangerous behaviors to themselves or others. Tough love, counseling, family therapy, school interventions — you have tried all these and more to no avail. It’s now time to take the final step and call a school for troubled teens.

Challenges in Raising a Teen

Under the best of circumstances, parenting a young person is difficult. You need to adjust to various changes, including school activities, academic pressures, social adjustments and changing roles. Keeping track of your child’s plans can take all of your organizational skills and more. And sometimes, life circumstances prevent you from being able to fulfill those duties, despite your best efforts. You or your spouse might have faced any of these serious changes:

  • Chronic illness – your own or a child’s
  • Divorce
  • Serious financial setbacks
  • A cross-country move
  • Increased job demands
  • Loss of a job and
  • Much more.

Any of these circumstances can upset the delicate balance that a teen already faces, sending him or her into a tailspin of emotions.

When to Call a School for Troubled Teens

If your adolescent is exhibiting any of the these behaviors, consider calling a school for troubled teens:

  • A sudden drop in grades
  • Scoffing at family and formerly normal activities
  • Withdrawal
  • A sudden and radical change in appearance
  • A drastic change in sleep patterns – either too much or not enough
  • Excessive weight fluctuations
  • Obsessive about spending time with friends, including overnight stays
  • Rebelling against authority
  • Involvement in high-risk or dangerous activities
  • Possible experimentation with alcohol or drugs
  • Dumping lifelong friends for those who seem sketchy at best
  • Indications of suicide or a fascination with death
  • Spending lots of time alone
  • A significant change in eating habits
  • A possible addiction to the internet, video games, pornography or social media
  • Truancy and running away from home or
  • Missing valuables from the home.

Taking Proactive Measures

Despite the challenges, continue to take proactive measures to fight for your teen. Remain informed about what your child is doing and where he or she is going. Watch for possible warning signs of depression, alcohol or drug use, suicidal thoughts or other serious behavioral issues. Take appropriate steps if you sense that anything is not right with your child’s behavior. Even when your teen pushes you away, keep seeking ways to connect with him or her. Do not give up, despite the challenges. Although you will need to intervene, your child can still grow up to be happy, healthy and successful. But you will need to make the hard decisions, including calling a school for troubled teens, to initiate the needed changes in his or her life.

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Written by Natalie

15 Mar, 2016

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