Troubled Teen Problems: I Can’t Live With You Anymore!

Troubled Teen Problems

The idea that you can no longer live with your teen and the poor behavior they consistently display. It’s not an easy or an overnight decision to come to. You’re sure to feel conflicting emotions, including guilt, sadness, confusion, and anger.

What should your next steps be? What are your options in the next steps? Do you need to worry about the legal ramifications of kicking your teen out of your home? Is there a compromise that can work for everyone involved?

We’ve got some of the answers that you’re looking for. Be sure that you know the laws that apply to your state, as they can vary significantly across the country.

You can’t live with your teen. Now what?

There is no doubt that parenting an out-of-control teen can be exhausting. It can take a toll on almost every aspect of your life. It can even potentially introduce an element of danger if your teen is violent.

  • You’ve gone to family counseling.
  • Your teen has had individual counseling when you can get him to agree to go.
  • Law enforcement may have been involved on more than one occasion.

Have you established boundaries and stuck to them? There are good odds your teen has pushed back on boundaries. But remember that these are established when you care about your teen and his well-being. There are a few tips to help you better manage the boundaries:

  • Listen to your teen when he wants to talk. Try not to interrupt until he has finished speaking.
  • Allow your teen to learn from his mistakes. So long as he is healthy and safe, you should be able to accept that he may do things a bit differently than you would.
  • Don’t ignore red flags and stay silent. If you’re concerned that your teen may be using drugs or having unprotected sex, speak calmly with him. Direct him to helpful resources and try not to talk with a tone that indicates judgment.
  • Allow your teen to have his own space and the appropriate level of privacy.

If you feel like you have exhausted all of your options, what now? Kicking him out to fend for himself is not necessarily your first and preferred choice. That said, there may be some other options for you to consider:

  • If you don’t live with his other parent, is it possible for him to go and live with the other parent? Even getting a short break from each other can help you and your teen better communicate with one another.
  • Is there another family member that he could spend time with? Perhaps a grandparent or an uncle?
  • Does your teen have friends or older siblings who could take him in for a while?

If you’ve exhausted all of your options and feel that your teen continuing to live with you is not a viable choice, you may need to consider a more drastic solution.

Considering your legal options

If your teen’s out-of-control behavior has pushed you past your breaking point, it’s understandable that you are tempted to outright kick them out of your home. However, before you do this, you will need to be aware of any legal implications that you could face because of this decision.

Even if your teen’s behavior is violent and entirely out of control, your teen will still be considered a minor if he is under the age of 18.

What does this mean for you? As your teen’s parent and legal guardian, you are responsible for providing him with shelter, food, and safety. If you kick a minor out of your home, you may be charged with abandonment.

Suppose your teen decides to leave your house and stay elsewhere. In that case, you are likely to be legally responsible for financially providing for them, keeping in touch with them, monitoring their education, and ensuring that they are not getting into legal trouble.

If you kick a minor out of your home, you may be charged with abandonment.
Unless your teen has been legally emancipated, you will still be legally responsible for them. Most states require teens to be at least 16 years old before they can be legally emancipated. You will need to fulfill parental duties, even if your teen is rebellious and refuses to listen to you.

Considering a therapeutic treatment center as an option

If there are few other options for sending your teen to live with another family member or friend, you may find that a therapeutic treatment center is a viable option. There are several benefits to a therapeutic treatment center for the troubled teen in crisis and the parent who is understandably struggling to handle it all.

Some of these benefits can include the following:

  • A fresh start and a new environment. In some situations, teens may be struggling with influences from outside of the home. This could include those in his social circle leading him astray. Taking a break from being around these pressuring influences can give your teen the opportunity for a fresh start. Not just that but a fresh start and a pause from one another can prove helpful for both teens and parents.
  • Intense and focused therapeutic solutions. Outpatient treatment and weekly therapies can prove beneficial for countless people working on their mental wellness. In extreme cases, inpatient therapeutic solutions can allow teens to get the focused treatment that they need to get their mental health back on track.
  • Positive influences and new opportunities for friendships. Therapeutic treatment centers can allow your teen to meet new and positive impacts when forming friendships with other teens going through similar programs.
  • Parents and other family members can benefit from having a great from the teen in crisis. This will allow them to better focus on their mental wellness to approach difficult situations from the perspective of strength.

How do you find the right therapeutic treatment center? HelpYourTeenNow can connect you with the right resources. When your family is in crisis, there is no time to waste. Getting the right help for your teen and the other family members is crucial for helping everyone move forward healthily.

HelpYourTeenNow can help you find the best therapeutic treatment center to meet the mental wellness needs of your teen.

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Written by Natalie

25 May, 2022

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