Is A Girls Ranch For Troubled Teens The Next Step?


If you want to know when it’s time to send your daughter to a girls ranch, there’s only one person who can figure that out–you! If you are noticing problem behavior in your child and her doctor or therapist agree, it may be time to enroll her into a girls ranch. These teen help facilities are designed to help teens face and conquer a range of issues, like depression, oppositional defiant disorder, depression, eating disorders and more.

But how can a parent know whether a girls ranch for troubled teens is the next step? Here are 3 ways to know that your teenage daughter may need to attend a girls ranch teen help facility:

Failure in Current Environment

You are probably experiencing heartbreak at seeing your daughter fail in school, with friends and even at a job. Bad and destructive behavior means that she is not finding success in her current environment for whatever reason. It doesn’t matter if she is going through physical issues, like substance abuse, or mental and behavioral issues like depression–when she is having problems it will cause her to self destruct in normal situations. Traditional schools aren’t equipped to deal with troubled teens, and current friends and influences may not be helping. Even her home life may somehow be affecting her ability to succeed. When she is in a new place with structure, new activities, reduced pressure and supervised by trained and caring professionals, she has a chance to find success.

Lack of Interest in Life

If your teen used to thrive in the company of good friends or spent lots of time following her passions and hobbies, you probably wonder where that child went. If your teen is isolating herself from friends, dropping her hobbies and withdrawing from activities that most teens find enjoyable, it may be time to take the next step and send her to a girls ranch. At these ranches, the girls have high interest activities and adventures that teach them new skills and hobbies. They set and achieve goals that boost their self esteem and learn to embrace the fun and interesting aspects of life.

Harm to Self or Others

Sometimes teen girls are so out of control that they become aggressive or violent. As a parent, if you are worried about your teen hurting siblings, friends or even yourself, it may be time to take the next step and make plans for a girls ranch. Even physical violence isn’t necessary to make that decision, because emotional or sexual abuse is also possible. Self harm is another way for teenage girls to act out, such as cutting, eating disorders or reckless behavior. At a girls ranch, your daughter will learn coping skills and nonviolent methods to deal with conflict to improve her interactions with others and boost her own health and wellness.

There are several different kinds of actions your teenage daughter is taking to raise red flags, but if you and your child’s therapist or doctor agree that it is time for the next step, you must act quickly. The longer you wait to take that next step, the more damage your teenage girl might do to herself or others.

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Written by Natalie

26 Nov, 2014

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