Financing Troubled Teen Schools For Boys

Stressed out dad looking at paperwork

Having a troubled teenage boy at home can cause a lot of strain on the family, both emotionally and financially. Therapy sessions, group homes, hospital stays…the costs add up. Which doesn’t even take into account the financial responsibility when they get into the legal side of things, which falls to you as parents.

At this point you may be feeling tapped out. How can you afford further treatment? A therapeutic boarding school might seem out of reach. But there are options for parents who want to help their sons academically and therapeutically, so don’t discount it just yet.

The Cost of Therapeutic Boarding Schools

Therapeutic boarding schools will differ in price. What you are paying for is tuition and mental health treatment, which can add up. Plan for anywhere from $10,000 – $60,000 per year. This includes the cost of room, board, therapy, doctor attention, tuition and other costs. There may be other bills associated with the year to consider.

Insurance may possibly cover some of the cost of these programs if they have out of network coverage, as it will be billed as a residential treatment center. However, that depends on the insurance and you should speak to them prior to applying.

Payment Plans

Some schools will offer payment plans that take payments per quarter or semester, or even a monthly plan that can be covered while your child is in school. You should speak to a representative at each school to find out what options they provide.

Keep in mind that payment plans may come with associated interest costs. Many families will choose instead to take out loans with their bank or credit union for the competitive rates. Doing this might help eliminate some of the costs you will face.


Many programs, such as the one provided by Liahona Academy, have financing that you can apply for. They work with loan companies specifically dealing with healthcare costs, which are different than many other loan types.

If this still doesn’t sound like the right option for your family, there are many other ways you can help your troubled teenage son. Help Your Teen Now offers information on at-home training for parents to help their child overcome behavioral issues, as well as support for mental health and other related problems.

Whatever it is your family is going through, there are resources available to help you through it.

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Written by Natalie

22 Mar, 2018

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