Boot Camp for Troubled Teenagers


It’s not uncommon for parents of troubled teens to reach a point where they simply don’t know what to do next. When behavioral, emotional or mental health issues interrupt a teen’s life frequently at home and at school, it can be frustrating and worrying for parents. It’s then that teens with behavioral issues need more help than parents can give. Behavior boot camps are designed to help struggling teens with getting their lives back on track. Help Your Teen Now is a parent advocate group that helps parents of troubled teens research and find the right programs for their needs, including boot camps for troubled teenagers.

Please contact Help Your Teen Now at 1-800-901-7347 for a free consultation on what we can offer and how we can assist you in getting help from your teenage son or daughter.

Why Help Your Teen Now?

When your teen is disobedient, belligerent and defies you on issues large and small, you may be wondering if a behavior boot camp is the answer. When you’ve done all you can think of, it’s a good idea to turn to professionals who specialize in helping troubled teens. At Help Your Teen Now, we have resources that we’ll put to work for you to find the right kind of help for your unique family issues.

Help Your Teen Now was started by a mother who, when faced with struggles with her own children, found that there were no unbiased sources of help for researching and ranking the various teen help programs out there. Today, Help Your Teen Now has assisted thousands of teens and family members in determining what their needs are and what kind of facility and program can meet those needs. Because we are not affiliated with any kind of program, school or organization, our advice and recommendations are completely unbiased. Parents like you can trust us to give you the best and most reliable information on different behavior boot camps for troubled teens.

All Behavior Boot Camps Are Not The Same

Teen help programs are as varied as the people who run them, and while some have risen to the top as reputable and effective programs, there are always those that parents should avoid. Help Your Teen Now has lots of resources on behavior boot camps and can help steer parents towards the ones with excellent reputations and a long history of success. At Help Your Teen Now, we can guide you to the behavior boot camps that operate well within the laws run by qualified professionals who are eager to help teens thrive.

Behavior boot camps are generally short-term programs that last for a few weeks or a few months. They are specifically set up to provide students with discipline, structure and support. By removing the teens from their current environment, bad habits and troublesome friends, they can start to focus on the future instead of being dragged back into their past.

Here are just a few of the things that teens will experience at behavior boot camps for troubled teens:

  • Caring mentors who won’t judge the teen for past behaviors.
  • A different atmosphere than tension-filled home or school.
  • Trained and licensed counselors who will start the therapeutic process.
  • Structured schedule so teens don’t have time to goof off and get in trouble.
  • Nutrition and fitness counseling.
  • Activities, adventures and service projects.
  • Recreational therapy to encourage positive behavior.

Teen behavior boot camps are a great transition program between teens at home and a long-term boarding school program. Help Your Teen Now has lots of inside information about any different boot camps so that you will know whether a particular camp is a good one or not. Instead of dedicating hours of time and effort of your own researching teen boot camps, let us help. Help Your Teen Now only recommends behavior boot camps that we’ve personally checked out and researched, so you have peace of mind that the ones we list are quality programs.

Issues That Teens Face Without Troubled Teen Schools

When teens struggle with emotional, behavioral or mental health issues, it may seem as if their entire lives are being affected. Some of the more common issues facing teens today include ADD/ADHD, depression, bipolar, anxiety, oppositional defiant disorder, substance abuse, low self-esteem and abuse trauma, just to name a few. When teens don’t get professional help in dealing with these issues, they can engage in risky behavior to cover up their pain and frustration.

Some of the more common risky behaviors in teens includes:

  • Alcohol use
  • Illegal drug use
  • Prescription drug abuse
  • Theft
  • Vandalism
  • Violence and bullying
  • Self-harm
  • Skipping school
  • Running away
  • Risky sexual behavior
  • Suicide

When parents don’t get professional help for their teenagers, it can mean that the teens are endangering themselves and others via risky behavior. Behavior boot camps are a chance for teens to stop the downward spiral of destructive behavior and really get to focus on their futures. Help Your Teen is dedicated to helping parents find resources to provide professional help to their troubled teens.

Help Your Teen Now Has Resources for Troubled Teenager Schools

Help Your Teen Now should be your first stop when investigating all the teen help programs out there in your state and from coast to coast. Any behavior boot camp program’s website can make miraculous claims about turning teenagers around, but of course you should never sign up for a program without checking in with the parents and teenagers who have personally completed the program. We provide independent references from veterans of each program. At Help Your Teen Now, we specialize in connecting parents and teens with programs that our contributors personally recommend.

Help Your Teen Now is a parent advocate group dedicated to helping other parents get the professional help their teenagers need. We are not affiliated with any school, therapist or program. Instead, we simply want to share our accumulated wisdom with others. Help Your Teen Now understands how difficult it is to intervene in a teen’s destructive behavior patterns, but with our help, you can really make a difference in your child’s life.

To lean more about how to locate a behavior boot camp for your troubled teenager, and locate long-term schools for troubled teens, please call Help Your Teen Now at 1-800-901-7347 for a free consultation.

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Written by Natalie

2 Oct, 2015

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