Boot Camp for Boys


Where does a parent go for help in deciding what to do with a troubled teenage son? The resources at school or in the community may be limited, and you may be feeling frustrated that there don’t seem to be any answers for you. That’s where Help Your Teen Now can help. We are a parent advocate group that is dedicated to sharing our extensive knowledge and vast resources on the teen help industry with parents who are just beginning this long and difficult journey.

It’s never easy to make tough decisions that affect the whole family, but when your teenage son’s bad behavior is escalating, there’s no time to lose. We have all kinds of information on almost every therapeutic boarding school, residential treatment center, wilderness camp and boot camp for boys in the country, and we’re working with parents to find the best one for their needs.

Please call Help Your Teen Now at 1-800-901-7347 to find out more about our free services.

Why Help Your Teen Now?

Help Your Teen Now was started by a woman who had troubled teens of her own and quickly realized that there was no single place for parents who were seeking residential therapy options to get comprehensive information. She created Help Your Teen Now as a non-profit, parent-to-parent program that brings hope and knowledge to frustrated parents and struggling teens. Via phone or email, we provide a free consultation to assess your teen boy’s needs and diagnoses. Then, we provide you with information on what programs might best match and all the details we have.

Our recommendations are unbiased and trustworthy because Help Your Teen Now is not affiliated with any school, program or facility. We have been where you are with our own children and we’ve compiled resources from hundreds of other parents who have been through different programs with their teen boys so that everyone can benefit from the information. Help Your Teen Now wants to make a difference in the lives of troubled teen boys and their families, and we’ve already helped thousands find hope and healing.

Benefits of Troubled Teen Schools

There are a number of different facilities for teen boys that blend therapy, academics and recreation together to create a safe and structured environment that they can move forward and plan for the future. While there are short-term programs like a wilderness camp or boot camp for boys that are good as transitions, the long-term boarding schools deliver the best results.

Boot camp boarding schools for troubled boys are residential facilities that are designed for teens who are no longer safe, healthy and progressing in their homes or at school. Teen boarding schools have a therapeutic atmosphere where boys can face their behavioral, emotional or mental health challenges. Some of the issues teen boys at boarding school struggle with include ADD/ADHD, low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, abuse trauma, anger issues, substance abuse and more. These strict but supportive schools are the boot camp for boys that they need to get well again.

Here are some of the benefits of boarding school for troubled teens:

  • Licensed, professional therapists hold individual and group sessions where teen boys can start on the path to healing.
  • Professionally licensed teachers with small classrooms help boys not only get to grade level, but earn a high school diploma.
  • Group living quarters teach boys to become part of a “family” and share responsibilities like chores, laundry, cooking and more.
  • Recreation and extracurricular activities expand each boy’s talents, boosts self esteem and shows them good, clean fun in life.
  • Supervision and structure keep the boys from getting into more serious trouble.
  • Life skills workshops, character building activities and more teach boys how to work on becoming fine young men.
  • Mentors and older peers implement positive peer pressure to help with behavior modification.

There are so many benefits to having boarding schools for teen boys as part of the solution. Parents who aren’t sure about this type of program as an option should call Help Your Teen Now and get the inside information on boarding schools and other resources in your area.

Issues Teens Face Without Help From a Boarding School for Troubled Teens

Without the intervention of a team of professionals to help them get beyond their behaviors and to the root of their issues, teenage boys will be faced with ever-increasing consequences of their actions. Often, boys act out in risky behaviors to mask pain and frustration, get attention, fit in or to disappear. These risky behaviors can lead to dangerous situations for themselves and others, plus the teenage boys themselves:

  1. Alcohol use
  2. Binge drinking
  3. Smoking and chewing tobacco
  4. Illegal drug use
  5. Prescription drug use
  6. Fighting and bullying
  7. Suicidal thoughts and attempts
  8. Risky sexual activity
  9. Running away
  10. Criminal activity

Troubled teen boys can derail a once-bright future when they engage in risky behaviors like these. It’s important for parents to intervene and arrange for the professional counseling they need to steer clear of these types of actions. Help Your Teen Now is the first place to call when you have decided that you need to take those first steps toward finding a therapeutic facility for your troubled son.

Help Your Teen Now Has Resources on Schools for Troubled Teens

At Help Your Teen Now, we are a big believer that when teen help programs are run successfully they can make all the difference in a troubled teen’s life. We know that parents of troubled teen, like you, want a place where you can get unbiased information on all the different kinds of programs. Such decisions can be overwhelming and even scary, and we are here to make you feel more confident in the whole process.

We’ve helped thousands of parents and teens from all over the country with the research and decision-making process it takes to figure out which troubled teen school is best for the family. At Help Your Teen Now, we really relate to the stress and worry that all parents face in dealing with their troubled teen sons. Our resources are extensive and we are ready to answers questions, provide information and give you free consultations. Just call Help Your Teen Now at 1-800-901-7347.

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Written by Natalie

29 Sep, 2015

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