Academic Success Unleashed: How to Help Your Teen Excel in School Right Now

teen success in school

Parenting is a journey full of hurdles, and one of the most important things you can do is help your teen do well in school. With the right tips, tricks, and resources, you can help your teen learn how to study, manage their time, and stay motivated when the going gets tough. In addition, these skills can also help you understand when your teen’s struggles require more than you might be able to provide.

Parenting isn’t something you need to do on your own. At Help Your Teen Now, we give you the resources you need when your teen’s struggles need assistance from outside resources. Our team helps you navigate those resources to determine the best fit, plus provides support throughout the process to ensure success. Continue reading to learn how to help your teen excel in school and life by giving them the tools they need.

Knowing and Delivering What Your Teen Needs

It can be challenging to assess what your teens need, especially when it seems to change every day. However, with careful monitoring, open communication, and patience, you can begin to chip away at their tough exterior to see how to help them best. Understanding everything they’re dealing with, from peer pressure and the desire to be on their own to trying to figure out where they fit in this world, helps you dial into what they need. A great place to start this journey is with their academics. Consider the following ways to help them get through this trying time with ease.

Having good study skills is a key part of doing well in school. You can help by making sure your teen has a place to study that is free of distractions. Encourage them to stick to a schedule, set aside specific times for learning, and give them breaks to unwind. Teach them active ways to learn, like summarizing, self-testing, and sharing the information with someone else. These ways make it easier to understand and remember.

In addition, time management is a skill that is important for life and not just for school. You and your teen can work together to make a visual schedule that includes study time, extracurricular activities, and free time. Use digital or paper planners to help them organize their tasks, set priorities, and give each action enough time. This not only helps students do better in school, but it also makes them feel more responsible. Also, be a time management role model by taking charge of your own schedule and showing them how to effectively problem-solve when barriers get in the way.

Sustainable success is driven by motivation that comes from within. Help your teen find their own reasons to do well instead of giving them something to reach for. Encourage them to set personal goals, understand the importance of their studies, and make connections between what they are learning in school and what they are interested in. This also helps them connect their current learning to their future. This gives them a different view of their education and provides them with encouragement that goes beyond grades.

Teach Your Teens Open and Effective Communication

Open and effective communication is the key to a healthy connection between you and your teen, but it’s also a valuable skill they can use in all aspects of their life. By practicing open communication, you allow them to explore their feelings and concerns with others and normalize the need for occasional help. This teaches your teen to stand up and fight for their needs in an effective way rather than lashing out. It also helps them in their daily struggle to determine who they want to be and increases their self-confidence when it comes to building independence.

Taking Steps When Your Teen Needs More

While many teens excel when given the appropriate tools, there are some situations when it’s simply too difficult to manage the everyday teen struggles. When this occurs, focusing on their mental health and accessing outside resources is vital. Regardless of why your teen might be struggling, finding the right help can stop their downward spiral and help them rebuild their self-esteem, focus on better coping skills, and effectively process their feelings.

At Help Your Teen Now, we have a large database of resources ranging from therapeutic boot camps to residential treatment centers. We aim to offer you the right options for your teen’s needs as well as provide you with the steps needed to put a plan into action. With years of experience, we’ve helped thousands of teens and parents get the help they need and move toward a more stable and successful future. If it feels like you’ve tried everything, contact our team to see what we can do. We’re here to help you and your teen find a better way.

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Written by Natalie


30 Sep, 2023

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