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Wilderness Therapy Programs In Missouri

When your teenager is being defiant and putting his physical and emotional health at risk, you may need intensive intervention to help him turn his life around. Although there are many types of facilities in Missouri that are designed to help troubled teens learn how to cope with their daily challenges in a healthier way, it is important to choose an option that is going to be a good match for your teen and his needs. One option is a wilderness therapy program that uses the healthy benefits of the beautiful outdoors and the natural challenges it provides to help struggling teens develop confidence, learn new ways to work well with others and discover positive substitutions for negative behavior.

Help Your Teen Now advocates for you and your child providing information and resources on the safest and most experienced type of intervention in your area. We can answer your many questions and aid you in getting started on the right path to getting your son or daughter the help they need. Call us today at 1-800-901-7347.

What Can We Do For Your Troubled Teen?

We were founded based on a distinct need for quality and unbiased information for concerned parents. Our resources are extensive, current and have been personally checked out for safety, accreditation and quality by our experienced staff. Only you can decide which program is going to be the best fit for your troubled teen, but our primary goal is to help make the research process simpler and less painful for you. We have been able to connect hundreds of anxious families with the information they need to make the most effective decision for their family. Whether you are looking for a wilderness program, military school, therapeutic boarding school or residential treatment center, we are here to help.

We want to make sure you know that not all teen help programs are created the same when it comes to safety, experience and accreditation. We only endorse facilities with a wide rate of success and approval from former students and their families. We are not officially affiliated with any program, so you can be sure that our recommendations are simply based on quality. We have narrowed down the best options, so you can move forward with the most informed choice.

Why Is A Wilderness Program So Beneficial?

Placing your teen in a wilderness program can be very beneficial since such programs have a great rate of success when they are run correctly. Unlike teen boot camps, where participants are encouraged to change through intimidation and depravation, wilderness programs use nature to return teens to the life basics in a way that is encouraging, safe and effective. A wilderness environment presents ideal opportunities for your teen to challenge himself and develop confidence that comes from a healthy place. Each wilderness therapy program has its own schedule, but most are two to four months long, fitting well into your child’s summer break. At the end, if your teen needs further intervention, there are a variety of full time facilities that will address both emotional and educational needs at the same time.

Your teen may be unable to make the changes he needs to while he is in his home environment and subject to the triggers and temptations there. Wilderness therapy programs in Missouri and throughout the country are ideal because they immerse teens in an environment away from electronics and other potentially negative influences while they work on themselves without distractions. In such surroundings, your teen can explore the root of his behavior and heal from the inside out. We can help you discover which wilderness programs in your area are safe and designed with long term healing in mind.

Teen Wilderness Therapy Program Regulations In Missouri

Overnight and residential camps for teens and children in Missouri are governed by the Department of Health and Senior Services. Licensing is not required for either day or resident camps unless it is a group that is receiving state or federal funding. Criminal background checks are not required for programs in Missouri, but the state does allow FBI checks when applicable.

Section 210.211.1 of the Missouri child protection statutes states that programs, including those provided in good faith to provide graded care are not pursuant to state recommendations for health or safety. However, Section 630.705.1 of the mental health statutes say that those programs approved by the state board of education must meet individual standards for care as decreed by the board.


Reference: http://www.moga.mo.gov/mostatutes/stathtml/21000002111.html


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Teen Wilderness Therapy Program Regulations In Missouri

Overnight and residential camps for teens and children in Missouri are governed by the Department of Health and Senior Services. Licensing is not required for either day or resident camps unless it is a group that is receiving state or federal funding. Criminal background checks are not required for programs in Missouri, but the state does allow FBI checks when applicable.

Section 210.211.1 of the Missouri child protection statutes states that programs, including those provided in good faith to provide graded care are not pursuant to state recommendations for health or safety. However, Section 630.705.1 of the mental health statutes say that those programs approved by the state board of education must meet individual standards for care as decreed by the board.


Reference: http://www.moga.mo.gov/mostatutes/stathtml/21000002111.html


Missouri Statistics for Troubled Teenagers



Missouri ranks 28th for Suicide for the national & state level data.



  • 89.97%

In Missouri, the average high school graduation rate for the 2021–2022 school year was 89.97%, according to the State Department of Education.



  • 77.14%

In Missouri, 77.14% of teenagers reported having used marijuana.



  • 9.17%

Approximately 9.17% of teens in Missouri suffer from Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD). (National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics, 2020).



  • 18.4%

In the United States, 18.4% of individuals aged 12 and older have deliberately misused prescription drugs.



We Can Help!

Our Resources Can Give You The Help You Need To Find The Right Match For Your Teenager.

If you have decided on an outdoor therapy program for your son or daughter, we are here to give you the information you need to find one in your area that is going to be an effective match. We are dedicated to making sure that you have the best resources to make the correct decision for your family. Contact us today at 1-800-901-7347 to see what we can offer you.