Boot Camp For Troubled Teens

Boot camps for troubled teens provide a short-term, intense program designed to instill discipline, structure, and accountability.

When troubled teenagers, both boys and girls, have an emotional, behavioral or mental health issue, the pain and confusion may cause them to act out in ways that are damaging and destructive, both physically and emotionally. If you are facing this difficult scenario and need to get your troubled teen away from their current environment for their own good, you may want to consider a boot camp until you can find something more permanent. Help Your Teen Now is a parent advocate group that provides resources, advice and information on all kinds of teen help programs, including behavior boot camps for troubled teens.

When you are out of ideas on how to help your teenage boy or girl, please call Help Your Teen Now at 1-800-901-7347 and we will work with you to identify what your teen needs and what kind of program will best fit that.

Why Help Your Teen Now?

Not all teen help programs and facilities are created equally. From state laws that differ from each other to individual program success rates, it’s really hard to figure out which schools and camps actually do what they say they will. You could spend a long time doing research on different boot camps and boarding schools, or you could call Help Your Teen Now to take advantage of the information we’ve gathered over the years.

We aren’t affiliated with any program or school, which means that our information is not biased in any way. We plenty of resources and information that can help parents like you sort through the noise and get to the real heart of every program. Whether your teen struggles with ADD/ADHD, depression, anxiety, bipolar, substance abuse, abuse trauma, or some other emotional, behavioral or mental health issue, Help Your Teen Now can work with the information you have and recommend a number of boot camps designed for that specific need. While you work out long-term arrangements, boot camp can be the solution for the short term when it comes to keeping your teen safe and supervised.

Good Reasons To Find Boot Camps for Troubled Teens

When teens start to behave badly, it can affect the whole family. Relationships at school, work and at home can become strained and teens may even engage in illegal behavior that could seriously impact their future. Boot camps for troubled teens are special facilities that provide short-term assistance and therapy while family members make arrangements for long-term care. It’s a chance for teens to start to assess their lives, break bad habits and disassociate with those who are not being a good influence on them. Boot camps are usually focused on physical activity, therapy and discipline. While there, teens can learn the consequences of certain actions, how to be better citizens, bond with peers and adult leaders and more.

At Help Your Teen Now, we are huge advocates for matching the right program with the right teenager, and there are a lot of good things about boot camps that we’re happy to share with you. Any teen who is not able to continue on in school and at home due to behavior issues is a good candidate for boot camp. Many teens who go to boot camp haven’t had much professional help yet in dealing with their issues. Therefore, it is an excellent way for teens to start over at a new place with licensed and experienced professionals who can begin the process of recovery and healing.

Help Your Teen Now has lots of good information on successful boot camps and similar wilderness camps that we happily share with interested parents. Here are just a few benefits that boot camps provide for troubled teens:

  • Removes the teen from the current negative environment and places them in a different location.
  • Often boot camps take place in a more remote locations in a secure, comfortable space, such as a multi-campus or even in the wilderness.
  • Camps are structured, with predictable schedules, plenty of organized activities and lots of qualified staff.
  • Boot camps often include outdoor recreation or high adventure activities.
  • Teens can receive experience group and individual therapy sessions at many boot camps, although some don’t offer therapy.
  • Boot camp may or may not include academic instruction, depending on the focus.

When a teenager’s behavior is out of control and parents have tried everything they can think of, it’s time to contact Help Your Teen Now and consider boot camps for troubled teens. We will arm you with information so you can decide whether or not boot camp is the first step toward getting your teenager the proper help they need.

Risky Behaviors ofYouth Not in Boot Camps for Teens

When teens find out that their parents are thinking about enrolling them in a boarding school or alternative school, they can get even more rebellious and act out, causing harm to themselves or others. Boot camps are a good solution for teens who are not yet ready to go to a long-term school but can no longer be at home or at a traditional school. Without a safe place with structure and supervision, teens can make decisions that end up costing them their future.

Here are 10 of the top risky behaviors that teens may do that can significantly affect their future:

  1. Alcohol abuse
  2. Binge drinking
  3. Smoking
  4. Chewing tobacco
  5. Prescription or illegal drug use
  6. Theft
  7. Vandalism
  8. Violence
  9. Suicide
  10. Risky sexual activity

If a teenager is acting out to cover pain or frustration at his or her life, plus add in bad friends, a tense home life, and school suspension, it can be a bad combination that leads to serious trouble. Help Your Teen Now has the information on boot camps that can help you decide if that is a good short-term option for your child.

Use Help Your Teen Now Resources to Locate Successful Teen Boot Camps

Not all boot camps are the same and there are many variations between them. From whether or not your teen can have medication to whether the staff members are experienced in your teen’s particular condition, information about boot camps across the country would be very difficult to discover in a timely fashion. Instead, Help Your Teen now has all that information and can help you weed out the programs that won’t meet your needs. We even have information on transportation and costs for some of the boot camp programs.

As you continue on and look for a long-term school for your teen, we can even help you there as well. No matter what, our resources are yours to use as you see fit. We just want to help pave the way for parents of troubled teens based on our years of experience in the teen help industry.

Please call us at Help Your Teen Now at 1-800-901-7347 and receive a free consultation about boot camps, military schools, wilderness camps, therapeutic boarding schools and much more. You don’t have to suffer with a troubled youth, and we’re hear to support you and share our experiences.

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