Teen violence is the extreme actions of troubled teenagers and can put the health and well being of siblings, parents and peers at risk. If your teenager is becoming more violent as a reaction to an increasingly troubled behavior, it’s time to take the control back...
When your teenager becomes violent, it can be a frightening thing to see. Unruly behavior and aggression can quickly escalate to violence against siblings, parents and peers. Unless your teenager receives professional treatment for their actions, they will not be able...
If you are like most parents, you want your teen to enjoy their dating years, because they can be full of romance, passion and even learn good life lessons from breaking up. However, if you see your teen is in an abusive relationship with their dating partner, it can...
Teen dating violence is an all too frequent occurrence, and as parents, we need to be more aware of the issue and help our teenagers recognize potential abusers, identify any patterns of abuse, and give them the tools to do something about it. One way to do all of the...
Dating violence, much like domestic violence, happens when one person desires too much control over the other person and resorts to violence to maintain that control. Teen dating violence is a serious issue and women who are ages 16 to 24 are the most likely to...
Troubled teens are those whose behavior is affecting their lives negatively. When those troubled teens turn violent, they can be committing harmful acts on others. If your teen ager is becoming more violent and their behavior is getting worse, you may need to consider...