Besides creating immense physical, mental and emotional problems with teens, drug abuse can significantly affect their futures, specifically when it comes to legal ramifications. Teen drug abuse and the law is something that parents wish their children to avoid, so...
Sexually deviant teenagers need professional help to overcome the issues that are causing them to engage in risky and unhealthy behavior. Without treatment, teens with sexually deviant behavior often end up on a dangerous path that can lead to health risks, teen...
Parents often hesitate to talk to their teens about sex, because it is such a taboo topic and makes both parties feel uncomfortable. However, developing a healthy attitude toward sexuality and steering clear of deviant sexual behavior is an important part of a teen’s...
Teen sexting is a recent phenomenon that includes sending or receiving sexually suggestive photos and texts between adolescents via social media. While exchanging sexual imagery is thousands of years old, the development of modern technology allows teens to create and...
When parents discover their teen is looking at pornography, the first reaction is often that of fear, anger, shame and panic. However, parents need to determine whether their teen is merely satisfying some curiosity about sex or is struggling with a compulsion to...
Behavior challenges for a teen can be quite different than are behavior challenges in your children, and because your teenager is bigger (and more vocal!) dealing with those challenges can be demanding and difficult. Time outs and groundings may no longer work when...