When your child was younger, it was probably easy to find time to spend time with him or her. Between bathing and bedtime routines, homework and mealtimes, spending time with younger children is often built into the family routine. But once your child enters...
Some days, the struggles with your teen seem insurmountable. Between the constant verbal battles, the risky behaviors and the poor choices, you may feel like nothing you do will help. It’s a feeling shared by many parents who are dealing with teenagers that have...
Between work, school, sports, lessons, homework and socialization, today’s families are busier than ever. Many times, we may go the entire day without saying more than a couple of words to our spouse or our children. However, dinner time can be a time to reconnect...
Behavior challenges for a teen can be quite different than are behavior challenges in your children, and because your teenager is bigger (and more vocal!) dealing with those challenges can be demanding and difficult. Time outs and groundings may no longer work when...
For many parents, showing an infant or child that they are loved is easy. Cuddling, hugs, kisses, allowing them to sneak into bed with you or even taking them out for spontaneous ice cream dates can all reassure children that they are loved. However, sometimes, it can...
School starts in less than an hour, and once again, everyone’s running behind. Suddenly, you hear a pounding of a fist and dishes hitting the floor as your teenager yells “Why did you make this crap for breakfast AGAIN?! You KNOW I don’t eat scrambled eggs. I’m not...