How Military Camps Provide Structure for Troubled Teens

How Military Camps Provide Structure for Troubled Teens

Encouraging our kids to stay focused has become one of the most challenging tasks in parenting. From social media to video games, it can be difficult to inspire our teenagers to study or focus on personal goals, especially if they are struggling with emotional...
Choosing the Right Boarding School: A Guide for Parents

Choosing the Right Boarding School: A Guide for Parents

When deciding on your child’s education, parents often feel overwhelmed by the wide variety of choices on offer. For parents with a troubled teen, this is possibly even more difficult, especially when they’ve opted for a residential treatment center like a...
What Sets Disciplinary Schools for Teens Apart?

What Sets Disciplinary Schools for Teens Apart?

Modern teenagers face many challenges their parents didn’t have to consider while growing up.  This leaves parents and caregivers at a loss when trying to understand their teenagers and their daily problems. It gets even more complicated when you have a troubled...