How To Keep Teens From Exploring Sexting Apps

How To Keep Teens From Exploring Sexting Apps

Sexting has become a major issue among teenagers in recent years. With the rise of technology, explorative sexting apps have been developed to allow teens access to these activities without their parent’s knowledge or permission. As such, it is critical that parents...
Troubled Teen Bootcamp Benefits

Troubled Teen Bootcamp Benefits

The concept of boot camp for troubled teens has been around since the late 1980s when it was first introduced as an alternative to traditional juvenile justice methods. This type of program is designed to help young people who have struggled with issues such as...
What is a Teen Residential Treatment Center?

What is a Teen Residential Treatment Center?

Has your teen’s therapist suggested that a residential treatment center is a good next step for your teen? You may have questions about what a teen residential treatment center is and how it can possibly help your teen through the difficult stage he’s in right now....
Important Ways to Show Love to Your Teens

Important Ways to Show Love to Your Teens

You love your teenager. There’s no doubt about it. For your teen, however, feeling like you’re imposing more rules, boundaries, and consequences for his behavior may feel like he isn’t loved as much anymore. Your work schedule and other family obligations may have you...
How Parents Can Cope With Mental Fatigue

How Parents Can Cope With Mental Fatigue

Juggling the responsibilities of parenting, work, relationships, and other commitments can be overwhelming at the best of times. Even if you have great support from your co-parent and have plenty of other family and community support. But then, add in the stress and...
Tips to Prevent Teen Suicide

Tips to Prevent Teen Suicide

No one should ever have to experience the death of a loved one due to suicide. Unfortunately, due to poor mental health, many teenagers find themselves in this position. Teen suicide is an issue that needs to be addressed and discussing preventative tips can help...