When parents discover their teen is looking at pornography, the first reaction is often that of fear, anger, shame and panic. However, parents need to determine whether their teen is merely satisfying some curiosity about sex or is struggling with a compulsion to...
Adolescents are on a bridge between childhood and adulthood. They’re at the uncomfortable intersection between being a child, under the influence of parents and teachers, and being an adult, attempting to find a sense of autonomy. And actually, that bridge comprises...
Behavior challenges for a teen can be quite different than are behavior challenges in your children, and because your teenager is bigger (and more vocal!) dealing with those challenges can be demanding and difficult. Time outs and groundings may no longer work when...
For many young adults, drug and alcohol use is a means of relating to peers. Popular media’s portrayal of drug abuse as a normal component of the adolescent experience can often encourage the development of dangerous behaviors. Social media, pop culture and peer...
With the recent legalization for marijuana in states like Colorado and Washington, teens are beginning to change the way they feel about smoking weed. Studies conducted in the last two years are starting to show that teens consider marijuana a rite of passage in high...