Helping Your Teen Learn Manners

Helping Your Teen Learn Manners

The future of a friendly, considerate teen with good manners will benefit greatly from your efforts to teach them good manners. Teens who behave well are respected more, which helps them academically and socially.

Most parents tell their kids to say “please” and “thank you” when teaching etiquette. However, good manners go far beyond these simple guidelines, so it’s crucial to continue teaching your child as they enter adolescence.

But that’s easier said than done. Teenagers occasionally go through phases where they want to be seen as “cool,” and manners are ignored. Often they behave impolitely and are careless of others’ feelings.

How can you teach your child good manners, and what should they learn?

Why is Teaching Children Manners so Essential?

Have you ever wondered what social function manners serve? Imagine a society where grabbing, pushing, and yelling was commonplace and acceptable. It doesn’t sound like a world most people would want to experience!

The world becomes rude and disorderly when manners and etiquette are absent.
It is impossible to overestimate the value of good manners. Here are some of the most potent advantages of learning manners.

Establishes Confidence

We build our confidence by deciding what to do in a given situation and then putting it into practice. Understanding fundamental social graces enables you to behave appropriately, which reduces uncertainty and self-consciousness.

Safeguards Against Selfishness

Selfishness wrecks reputations, breaks relationships, and fosters loneliness. Everyone dislikes being around those who are only concerned with themselves. However, people will gravitate toward those with good manners.

It Opens the Door to New Opportunities

Even the highest quality school cannot open all the doors. Good manners set the groundwork for unexpected, possibly life-changing opportunities in life. The manners displayed can make all the difference.

People notice when you are considerate of them. And because of how it makes them feel, that impression of you stays with them. So, the courteous, well-behaved person is frequently considered and requested when an opportunity arises.

When Should You Start?

Good behavior starts early. If you wait until your teen is about to start driving, you’ve waited too long. Teaching kids to behave politely, kindly, and respectfully inside and outside the house goes a long way to forming the type of adult we all strive to be.

Our lives may be hectic, but teaching your children manners can equip them with the skills they need to flourish today and in the future. But it’s never too late to try and instill better manners.

Here are some tips to get you started.

Say Please, and Thank you

The first etiquette principle a child must learn is how to use the magic words “please” and “thank you.” It’s polite to use the word “please” when making a request of others and “thank you” when someone has done something for you. These words, spoken or written, are the foundation of manners.

It may be challenging in the digital age, but children should be taught to write thank you letters for birthday and Christmas presents or after visiting someone’s home. This goes a long way to showing appreciation and respect to those who have done things for your teen.

The benefits of expressing thankfulness include improved coping mechanisms, future optimism, and improved stress management.

Do Not Interrupt

Children learn self-focus and self-elevation when allowed to interrupt during conversations on the phone or in person. Instead, emphasize to your child that they must hold their tongue until there is a lull in the discussion.

You can use positive reinforcement by complimenting your child when they behave well by not interrupting others. Also, it’s crucial to teach kids the difference between non-urgent requests, like requesting a snack, and urgent ones, such as a friend or sibling who is hurt.

Good Table Manners

Teach them how to hold their silverware and cutlery. They should also be taught to wait till everyone has been served before beginning to eat and to request for something to be passed rather than reaching across the table for an item.

Encourage your teen to help set the table for meals. And offer thanks when they initiate this on their own.

The most important thing to remember when parenting is that good manners never go out of style and will ensure that your child stands out for the right reasons.

Encourage Good Conversation Skills

Your teen can benefit significantly from learning how to interact politely with adults. A good example is not only addressing a friend when they arrive but also their parents. Thanking a parent who has brought a friend over or for an invitation to a friend’s house makes for solid manners.

Your youngster should learn that they should respond to someone’s inquiry about their well-being by asking them the same question back.

Encourage kids to ask questions, pay attention to the responses, and discuss their days during mealtimes.

How to Teach Manners to Your Teen

Nurture Respect and Sensitivity

Teach your children to always look at another person’s point of view or imagine what it would be like to be in their shoes. Your teen shouldn’t be a pushover, but they should understand that other opinions and viewpoints are valid.

Show by Example

Kids look to their parents for guidance on appropriate behavior. Your children might adopt your bad habits if you have poor manners. So, remember to be nice to others, your family, and your children if you want to raise well-mannered children. Children are always watching us.

Remember Personal Boundaries

Parents should remember that everyone, including their children, has distinct boundaries that must be respected. Getting in someone’s personal space tells them you don’t respect them and leaves them feeling uncomfortable. Without solid personal boundaries, it is impossible to truly appreciate others.

Don’t forget to teach your child how to say “no” in uncomfortable contexts. Assist your kids in developing their limits and preparing them for how to keep them safe.

Acknowledge Your Children

Even though most adults enjoy time alone, involving kids in various adult-but-kid-appropriate activities is crucial. It’s a way of showing them “the ropes” and teaching them that you value them and their presence.

You will have a great chance to go over basic ground rules with your kids, such as the amount of loudness that is acceptable in public settings, how to respect other people’s property and privacy, etc.

The Takeaway

Most people enjoy being praised for their good deeds, and kids are no different.
Praise your child if they remember to say “please” or “thank you.” If they do something kind or helpful without being asked, acknowledge it in front of others.

By doing this, the teen understands that being considerate of others is positive, strengthening their good behavior and reinforcing it.

As a parent, you are in charge of every aspect of your kids’ life, and it is your job to figure out effective strategies to help them become independent, self-sufficient, well-mannered adults.
With just a bit of patience, you can show love and attention to give your child every chance of success.

If you want more information or help, contact Help Your Teen Now. We are prepared to provide the guidance you need if your troubled teen needs help and support.

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Written by Natalie

3 Nov, 2022

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