Choosing the Right Boarding School: A Guide for Parents

Choosing the Right Boarding School: A Guide for Parents

When deciding on your child’s education, parents often feel overwhelmed by the wide variety of choices on offer. For parents with a troubled teen, this is possibly even more difficult, especially when they’ve opted for a residential treatment center like a...
What Sets Disciplinary Schools for Teens Apart?

What Sets Disciplinary Schools for Teens Apart?

Modern teenagers face many challenges their parents didn’t have to consider while growing up.  This leaves parents and caregivers at a loss when trying to understand their teenagers and their daily problems. It gets even more complicated when you have a troubled...
Understanding Troubled Teens: Signs, Causes, and Solutions

Understanding Troubled Teens: Signs, Causes, and Solutions

You may be reading this because it’s midnight, and you’re awake again. Thoughts about your teenager and their sudden changes are cause for concern. You know this is not just normal teenage behavior and hormones at play. Adolescence is a time of rapid change,...
Positive Parenting Techniques for Nurturing Resilient Teens

Positive Parenting Techniques for Nurturing Resilient Teens

Parenting a teenager can feel like an uphill battle at times. The moodiness, angst, and withdrawal from family life can test any parent’s patience. It’s normal to worry about how our kids will handle the pressures of adolescence and prepare for adulthood. While we...