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Boot Camps & Military Schools in Utah

When you are watching your troubled teenage boy or girl from Utah engage in risky behavior because of emotional, behavioral or mental health challenges, it can almost break your heart. Most parents would do anything to ensure that their teenager gets the professional help they needed to deal with their issues. Many Utah parents misunderstand the types of programs out there, and start looking for boot camps and military schools in Utah as a solution. But where can parents turn for honest and accurate information on these programs and others? The good news is that there’s a parent advocate group called Help Your Teen Now that provides resources and information to Utah parents of troubled teens who are just starting on the journey to locate permanent help and professional therapy for their children.

Help Your Teen Now is a parent advocate group dedicated to providing resources to parents of at-risk teens who need to make informed choices on what kind of residential and therapeutic programs might best help their children. We’re here to assist parents from all over the country, not just Utah. Help Your Teen Now is not affiliated with any programs or schools so you can trust that our recommendations and information is unbiased. We truly want to ensure that your teen gets the therapy and academic help that he or she deserves.

Won’t you call Help Your Teen now at 1-800-901-7347 for a free phone consultation? It’s so comforting to get advice from trusted experts with experience in the teen help industry. We’ll give you the support and information you need to make good decisions and get your teen enrolled in a truly helpful program.

Help Your Teen Now Recommends Other Programs Over Military Schools and Boot Camps in Utah

When teenagers need professional therapy in a residential setting, there are many more options out there than you might think. for long-term results, often a therapeutic boarding school or residential treatment center is the most successful. Help Your Teen Now has many years of experience in gathering and distributing information about all kinds of teen help programs, not just military schools and boot camps in Utah. In fact, those types of programs are rarely the answer when it comes to addressing your teen’s behavior. Military schools and boot camps in Utah are simply not appropriate for at-risk teens with deep-seated issues because they lack a strong therapeutic component like other programs have. Help Your Teen Now will provide you with lots of resources for other programs with a high success rate.

Utah Regulatory Laws For Boot Camps & Military Schools For Teens

The State of Utah Human Services Office of Licensing is responsible for ensuring that residential treatment programs for teens comply with state standards.

Private schools in Utah are not required to be accredited, registered, licensed or approved by any state organization. Utah’s private schools do not have to hire teachers with state certifications, either. A private school in Utah may use corporal punishment on students as long as this policy is clearly communicated to parents as part of the orientation (Utah Code Ann. §53A-11-802). Private schools do not have to follow any curriculum standards and there are no regulations for the length of the school year. Private schools do not have to participate in core testing on either the state or national level, although schools may choose to do so (State Board of Education Rule R277-604-3). Utah private schools do not have to conduct criminal history checks on employees unless the school wants to, and then must only consider job-related convictions (Utah Code Ann. §53A-3-410).

(U.S. Department of Education, State Regulation of Private Schools, 2009)


Reference: http://www2.ed.gov/admins/comm/choice/regprivschl/regprivschl.pdf

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Utah Regulatory Laws For Boot Camps & Military Schools For Teens

The State of Utah Human Services Office of Licensing is responsible for ensuring that residential treatment programs for teens comply with state standards.

Private schools in Utah are not required to be accredited, registered, licensed or approved by any state organization. Utah’s private schools do not have to hire teachers with state certifications, either. A private school in Utah may use corporal punishment on students as long as this policy is clearly communicated to parents as part of the orientation (Utah Code Ann. §53A-11-802). Private schools do not have to follow any curriculum standards and there are no regulations for the length of the school year. Private schools do not have to participate in core testing on either the state or national level, although schools may choose to do so (State Board of Education Rule R277-604-3). Utah private schools do not have to conduct criminal history checks on employees unless the school wants to, and then must only consider job-related convictions (Utah Code Ann. §53A-3-410).

(U.S. Department of Education, State Regulation of Private Schools, 2009)


Reference: http://www2.ed.gov/admins/comm/choice/regprivschl/regprivschl.pdf

Statistics for Troubled Teens In Utah


  • 9.3%

9.3 percent of children in Utah, aged 3–17 years have been diagnosed with ADHD. (National Survey of Children’s Health, 2016–2019).



  • 10.8%

The teen pregnancy rate for adolescents aged 15 to 19 in Utah 10.8 per 1,000 females in this age group, according to the World Population Review.



  • 17.2%

Utah ranks 39th with a suicide rate of 17.2 deaths per 100,000 adolescents aged 15 to 19, according to data from the CDC WONDER Multiple Cause of Death Files (2020–2022).



  • 5.98%

In 2020, approximately 788,000 teenagers aged 12 to 17 nationwide met the criteria for Illicit Drug Use Disorder (IDUD). In Utah, about 5.98% of adolescents in this age group reported using illicit drugs, according to the National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics.



  • 5.67%

Approximately 5.67% of teens in Utah suffer from Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD). (National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics, 2020).



  • 9.7%

Utah ranks 43rd among all states, with 9.7% of high school teens reported to have used vapes. (Drug Watch, 2024).



  • 57%

The porn industry experienced a 12.6% annual revenue increase from 2018 to 2023. Adolescent exposure to pornography has steadily risen, with the age of first exposure becoming increasingly younger. 57% of young adults ages 18-25 use porn monthly or more often.



  • 46%

According to Pew Research Center, 46% of U.S. teens aged 13 to 17 have experienced at least one of six types of cyberbullying behaviors. (Pew Research Center, 2022).




We Can Help!

Call & Let HelpYourTeenNow Find The Best School For Your Teen.

We know all you want to do is find the best programs that are aimed at helping at-risk Utah teens tackle the challenges they face, whether it is depression, violence, substance abuse, self-esteem issues, abuse trauma, ADD/ADHD, bipolar, aggression and anger issues, and more. Help Your Teen Now has worked with thousands of Utah families, former students and more to get the best and most accurate information on the top facilities in the country. We’ve been where you are before and understand how hard and frustrating the process is. Remember we are here to help you and your teen, and we believe it’s never too late for teens to get professional help. Avoid the pitfalls of thinking that military schools and boot camps in Utah are the answer to your teen’s problems and explore verified therapeutic programs with proof of success.

Please call Help Your Teen Now at 1-800-901-7347 to find out more via a free consultation. We look forward to hearing from you.