Understanding the how, what, when, where, and why before your child goes to a boarding school is important. Let us help you answer these tough questions.
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Check out our latest blog posts to learn how you can help your child through these tough times.
8 Ways to Stay Connected To Your Teen
We live in an increasingly interconnected world. This is why it can sometimes be baffling that it’s not always easy to connect and stay connected with your teen. Most of the time, we have communication devices in our hands, using them to connect through social media...
Shy Teen? How to Make Friends!
If you are shy, you probably know how frustrating it can be to try and make friends. This is particularly true if you have to move to a new school or town and you don’t know anyone. Thankfully, some excellent ways to make friends when you are a little shy will work no...
Defiant Teen Behavior Lying and Stealing
Rarely do you meet a person who never tells a lie. Even the best of us may stretch the truth when serving our needs. Children and teens will often tell lies to get themselves out of trouble. It can become frustrating when a teen starts to act out, be defiant, and...
Teens and Drug Experimenting
Teen drug experimentation can sometimes be considered harmless, but that is incorrect. Many teens who experiment with drugs end up abusing them, creating significant health risks for themselves. The National Institute on Drug Abuse states that people are most likely...
6 Mobile Apps That Bring Sexting to a Whole New Level
No parent really wants to think about their teens having thoughts related to sex. Most of us simply want to pretend that it isn’t happening. It’s entirely too scary to consider, and in truth, it can be uncomfortable to have an honest conversation with your teen. Plus,...
How to Protect Teens Online?
Have you met up in person with people you’ve met online? It seems like many of us have, in one way or another. Today, meeting up with coworkers and new friends we’ve only previously interacted with online is almost commonplace. It could be that you’ve developed strong...
Out of Control Teen : What to do When Punishment Doesnt Work
Just when parents think we have good boundaries, consequences, and routines down for our kids and teens, they throw us another curveball that essentially renders every effort obsolete. When teens act out and are out of control, it can make things even more of a...
What are Teen Labels in 2022
As humans, we want to understand ourselves better and feel comfortable in our identity. There is a need to want to understand what’s going on to control it and make sense of it. Labeling helps categorize behaviors and situations. Teenagers are impulsive; hence, they...
How Military Schools Differ Today
Military schools in 2022 are different from how they used to be a decade ago when they primarily prepared candidates for officer corps service. Now the military not only prepares candidates for these posts but also helps troubled teenagers. These schools teach respect...
Are There Alternative Schools for Behavioral Problems
Alternative schools are a well-known option for children and teens who have otherwise struggled to maintain a focus on their education and mental wellness in a traditional school setting. If your teen has been struggling with behavioral problems, you may wonder if...
Is Military School the Answer For My Teenager?
Living with a child or teen who has changed from the well-mannered youngster you knew to a belligerent person whom you don’t recognize at all can be incredibly difficult. It could have been a slow process with your teen slowly showing worsening behavior. Or you may...
What Parents Need to Know About Bad Kids School
If you have a teen in crisis or is otherwise troubled, you may wonder if another educational or behavioral solution is the best option to help your teen. How much do you know about so-called bad kids’ school? It could be that your knowledge of them is exclusively...
My Teen Is Failing School, Now What?
It can often surprise some parents when they find out that their teens are failing school. Teens can be reluctant to share information about what they are struggling with until they have no other choice. Is your teen struggling at school? Have you found yourself...
Parenting a Troubled Teen With Your Ex
Parenting a teen can be challenging enough for parents who live together and have a strong positive relationship. If a teen faces troubles, pressure is added to the relationship. This pressure could stress and strain even the strongest of relationships. For parents...
The 5 Most Common Parenting Pitfalls to Avoid
There’s no doubt that parenting is a part of our lives filled with ups and downs. One day we may feel we’re doing great at parenting our kids. The next day we may feel we’re getting nothing wrong. What can you do to help be the best parent to your children? We’ve got...