Eagleton School

Eagleton School is a Massachusetts residential boarding school that helps boys and teen boys succeed in a structured environment and learn to live with and often overcome challenges like autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, behavioral disorders, emotional disorders, and learning disabilities. Located on 40 acres, the campus provides an environment of learning and gives children and teens a chance to thrive through residential programs, academic programs, therapeutic intervention, experiential learning programs and community and relationship programs.

Eagleton School in Great Barrington, Massachusetts Key Facts

School Name : Eagleton School
Location : Great Barrington, Massachusetts
Ages : 9-22
School Gender : Boys
Support for ADD/ADHD Students : Yes
Year Founded : 1974

Licensed Faculty at School

Each student at Eagleton School participates in an individualized clinical program with an experienced therapist who holds a masters degree in social work.

Student Activities Available

Activities at Eagleton School include sports, movies, meal preparation, dinner in a restaurant, games, and arts and crafts. Other activities center around structured programs like adventure based counseling, therapeutic equine program, organic horticulture program, culinary program and recreational program.

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